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Corporate Venturing

The best way to avoid being disrupted is to become the disrupter!

Objectives of Corporate Venturing

Corporate venturing is the practice by which large corporations systematically collaborate with technology startups to accelerate their innovation and growth. It is a win-win process. Large corporations acquire agility, generation of new ideas, motivation of their teams, openness to take risks, etc. On the other hand, the startups benefit from the access to the market of the corporations, their teams, climbing capacities, resources and capital, etc.
Corporate Venturing
Profitable growth for companies through start-ups

A good start-up ecosystem proves better at shortening innovation cycles, exploiting technology, improving existing business models and inventing new ones faster and more effectively than large corporations. It is said that it is not the strongest of the species that survives, but the most adaptable. Main objectives of a Good Corporate Venturin Programmeg:

  • Explore new technologies and/or business models to gain strategic insight
  • Renew corporate culture to foster a broad entrepreneurial mindset
  • Access entrepreneurial talent and energy
  • Use external innovation to promote an existing corporate innovation (i.e., a platform)
  • Marketing and public relations
  • Develop big brands to attract customers, partners and talent (digitization, etc.)
  • Solve busines problems more quickly and cost-effectively and at lower risk
  • Expand into future markets by accessing new capabilities, channels or emerging technologies
  • Leverage new and/or faster routes to market
  • Improve corporate social responsibility
  • Develop potential acquisition targets
  • Earn a financial return on venture investments
Scouting Mission
With the objective of discovering ideas and technologies, with low investment and oriented to a market transaction we can count on Scouting mission, Hackathon, Challenge Prize and Sharing Resources
If what is sought with corporate venturing is the creation of start-ups, the level of investment starts to rise, we can find tools that do not require equity, such as the incubator or the Venture client, and tools that do require equity, such as strategic partnership, incubator and Accelerator.

Corporate Venture Capital

If mid-term results are to be achieved, the investment will have to be higher and involve a higher degree of integration. Corporate Venture Capital and acquisitions.
How can Bakertilly help you?

The experience of Baker Tilly in corporate venturing and advising companies in high-growth sectors, especially in the technology sector, allows us to help you systematically establish a relationship with startups that accelerates your growth. Our Intelfin tool provides a comprehensive view of trends and disruption generation in your market. Our methodology is comprehensive and encompasses everything from setting objectives to choosing tools and supporting the execution of the strategy:

  • Define Objectives
  • Self-assessment of the company’s situation
  • Identify the areas of your business more exposed to innovation
  • Check the areas in your industry that are creating sustained growth opportunities
  • Set up your preferred search fields, in line with the previous steps
  • Choose the tools to use and when. Complement internal and external innovation
An acquisition implies the highest level of integration and commitment. As innovation is a risky path, we will help you approach and measure risk-taking gradually.

In Corporate Venturing there are different tools that can be used depending on the objective to be achieved and the degree of integration and use of capital to be invested:

Discover How to ...

Market Research Technology
Our team of market analysis specialists is continuously analyzing the investments of the most active markets in the industry in order to unceasingly contribute ideas of the current market situation and identify the most relevant trends for senior management. We integrate the most relevant sources of information which allows us to discover the most interesting companies for venture capital and similarly helps us to identify the investors with the highest probability of involvement in an M&A process to ensure the success of our sell-side operations.

The reports and deductions of our advisors provide a broad view of the sector, both geographically and from the complementary or adjacent markets perspective.
Technology Data Analytics
for M&A
Advanced data anlytics is a weapon". Intelfin is an artificial intelligence tool we use for investing and creating value in SMEs through competitive analytics and the enterprise environment.

IntelFin consists of a cognitive system, which, through the application of advanced analytical technologies, facilitates the automation of investment and financing decisions in the field of non-listed companies and especially SMEs in high-growth sectors.

The information related to these companies is characterized by their lack of transparency and heterogeneity; thus, it is necessary to develop an advanced analysis which is as much predictive as prescriptive and is developed in a natural language custom, suitable to obtain greater clarity and knowledge of the investment scope.

The IntelFin system focuses especially on analyzing the variables that define and influence the competitive environment of a sector and the positioning of a company, analyzing their influence on future value creation. Therefore, IntelFin supports strategic decision-making to senior management by resolving questions such as:

¿What are my competitors' priorities, strategies and expansion plans? Who's my competition? Which competitor is most likely to grow at a higher rate?
Which areas of activity/business models will receive the most investment? Which sectors are most attractive to investors?
Which companies are going to experience the most growth in the near future? Which companies are most likely to receive investment or be acquired?
Training Methodology
We have developed training programs in an innovative set-up which guarantees our teams the acquisition of technical competences both in the field of corporate finance and in the field of psychology, that is much needed when it comes to negotiation processes.

We have a culture of continuous improvement of our processes, closely related to the use of information systems that allow the enhancement of internal communication between our teams, as well as external communication with our customers. Hence, we extend best practices identified internally in an efficient and rapid manner among our members.

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