
CDTI's role in Spanish biotechnology

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Integral service around a transaction
BY : Diego GutiérrezJuly Mon, 2015
The CDTI is contributing to the development of biotechnology in our country. In the last half of 2014 alone, more than 40 biotechnology-related projects received CDTI funding. In addition, the Cdti also supports private funding and in May 2015 injected €5M in Inveready Innvierte Biotech II.



Máster Diagnostica : successful companies that have opted for innovation with the CDTI

Master Diagnostica  develops kits for the detection of oncological and infectious diseases. It is part of the Vitro group.

Vitro was established 20 years ago as a marketer of clinical products and biomedical research, over time the company has been committed to innovation and has begun to develop its own products to become one of the leading Spanish companies in the field of in vitro diagnostics. According to Juan Jimenez, CEO of Master Diagnostica, this has been possible thanks to the support they have obtained from the CDTI, an organisation that they consider to be key to the development of their company,

Among its numerous lines of research, the company started 6 years ago, with the help of the CDTI, a new technological project whose objective is the design and development of a system for the simultaneous arrest of different bacterial species responsible for tick-borne diseases.

In addition, in the field of oncology, it participates in a consortium of public bodies developing an expert diagnostic system supported by the programme Feder Interconecta.

Examples of biotechs that have won CDTI funding

AJL OPHTHALMIC, located in the Alava Technology Park, is the only Spanish company dedicated to the manufacture of intraocular lenses and other medical devices for the field of ophthalmology, airway and maxillofacial surgery. In 2013, the company acquired the American company Addition technology Inc.

Ajl Ophthalmic participated in the Era-net call to design biocompatible and customisable surfaces and coatings for intraocular lenses.

 Another of the companies that has benefited from the cdti aid ands Galenicum healthwhich offers products and services to pharmaceutical laboratories. The company has invested in the development of numerous generic products of its own and has launched a line of natural products through Galenicum Special Ingredients, a division focused on the food, supplements and cosmetics sectors.

The Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) approved the project submitted by INMUNOTEK for the pharmaceutical development of a new conjugate vaccine. The project was carried out in collaboration with the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and the Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CIB-CSIC).


 Spain - India call for proposals in Biotechnology is now open

The Spain-India call for proposals in biotechnology is open from May to September. The aim of the call is to finance future technological cooperation and R&D projects in the field of biotechnology. The projects must be aimed at the development or significant improvement of an innovative product, process or service with market prospects and must involve at least one Spanish partner and one Indian partner.


If you are looking for financing, please contact us by filling out the form below or by calling +34946024142 . Abra-Invest has an expert financing team with extensive experience in biotech companies. 


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