
Mahou, how a family business can become a leader in its sector

Integral service around a transaction
BY : Diego GutiérrezApril Wed, 2016
Mahou San Miguel has reached a pre-agreement to acquire the 74% of the Valencian distribution company Cermadis. This purchase is the 7th in the last 6 years. Here is a brief summary of the acquisitions made by Mahou in recent years.mahou
Mahou grows through acquisitions

Mahou was founded in 1890 with an initial capital of 130,000 pesetas, initially dedicated to the manufacture of ice and beer and currently the leading brewing company in Spain.

In recent years Mahou has carried out a policy of expansion through partial or total participation in different companies, diversifying its investments, investing in new international markets and buying out its distributors.

In 2000, it acquired its competitor San Miguel and created the Mahou-San Miguel Group. In 2004, the group continued its growth strategy through acquisitions and bought another of its competitors, Cervezas Anaga. Three years later, it took over the Granada-based Cervezas Alhambra. Mahou gradually gained ground in the nearest markets until it became an absolute reference within the Spanish borders.


Once a benchmark in Spain, it began its strategy of diversification and commitment to the international market, buying Solan de Cabras and foreign companies. Arian Breweries & Distilleries in India, Magia Products, its distributor in Chile and Founders Brewing in the USA.

Mahou has also bought several of its distributors such as its Mallorquina distributor, Comercial Montycarrera and the recently announced Cermadis.

Mahou creates the Barlab accelerator

In March, Mahou set up the startup accelerator Barlabaimed at accelerating the growth and ensuring the success of entrepreneurial projects with real applications that add value to the hospitality industry, seeking to bring startups closer to the bar, its business and the end consumer.
Companies can apply to participate until 27 April and the full acceleration programme, which will run for six months, until November 2016.

The selected companies will receive up to €35,000 to develop the idea, which they will present to groups of investors by the end of the year.

If you are thinking of selling your company or want to grow through acquisitions, please contact us. Abra-Invest has a team of experts in sales processes at your disposal. Call + 34 946424142 or fill in the contact form.

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