
Information Technology Sector in Spain: Key Acquisitions in 2022-2023

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Integral service around a transaction
BY : Paul von KesselJanuary Wed, 2024

The acquisitions of 2023 have redefined the competition and trajectory of the information technology (IT) sector. These strategic transactions not only marked a shift in the consolidation of industry leaders, but also revealed new opportunities for collaboration and innovative solutions to emerging challenges. These acquisitions have left a significant footprint on the future evolution of the information market, from strengthening capabilities to expanding product and service offerings, as well as development in different geographic regions. In our detailed analysis, we explore some of the most notable acquisitions in Spain that have profoundly impacted the landscape of the IT sector during 2023.

Key Acquisitions in Spain - Information Technology Sector

1. Accenture acquires Entelgy Innotec Security

Accenture, the multinational professional services company, announced on November 2, 2023, the acquisition of Entelgy Innotec Security, a leading spanish cybersecurity firm.

Accenture Security has strengthened its position in the Spanish and Southern European markets with the acquisition of Entelgy Innotec Security, based in Madrid and employing over 500 professionals. This strategic move supports Accenture's growth in the cybersecurity sector, focusing on geographic expansion and the integration of specialized firms in this field.

The acquisition of Entelgy Innotec Security brings significant benefits to Accenture, including expanding its presence in Spain, including Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, and Bilbao, thus bolstering its position in a critical market. Additionally, Accenture gains access to an expanded client portfolio, incorporating companies of various sizes and sectors. Furthermore, this acquisition enhances Accenture's cybersecurity capabilities by integrating a highly experienced team of specialized professionals. Overall, this operation reinforces Accenture's strategic position in the cybersecurity sector and solidifies its presence in Spain and Southern Europe.

2. McKinsey & Company acquires Solutions for Growth Consulting

McKinsey & Company, the renowned management consulting firm, announced on May 3, 2022, the acquisition of Solutions for Growth Consulting, a consulting firm specializing in business growth.

The acquisition of Solutions for Growth Consulting will strengthen McKinsey's service portfolio in business growth. S4G is a Platinum Partner of Salesforce with offices in Madrid, Barcelona, and Valencia, and specializes in growth strategies through innovation, international expansion, and digital transformation. This acquisition will provide McKinsey with a stronger global presence and enrich its capabilities by integrating a highly experienced team in this field.

3. Glovo acquires Windelivery

Glovo, the leading last-mile delivery platform in Europe, announced on February 2, 2022, the acquisition of Windelivery, a spanish food delivery company.

The acquisition of Windelivery by Glovo represents a strategic step to consolidate its presence in Spain, the second most relevant market for the company. Windelivery, with a prominent presence in Madrid, Barcelona, and Valencia, brings to Glovo a strong customer portfolio that includes restaurants, supermarkets, and local businesses. This operation aligns with Glovo's growth strategy in the Spanish market, focused on geographic expansion and the acquisition of leaders in food delivery.

The strategic benefits derived from this acquisition include strengthening Glovo's presence in key cities in Spain, diversifying its customer base with the addition of Windelivery, and enhancing its capabilities through the expertise of the Windelivery team in the food delivery sector, thereby contributing to strengthening its competitive position in this market.

4. Vass acquires Copilot y PSSKinetic

Vass, a leading provider of business process management (BPM) solutions, closed on January 18, 2023, on the acquisition of Copilot, a collaboration platform for developers.

The acquisition of Copilot will enable Vass to offer its customers a comprehensive solution for project management and developer collaboration. Copilot provides developers with a platform to collaborate on code, share ideas, and receive feedback. The platform offers a variety of features, including integration with GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket, bug tracking, integration with Slack and Discord, and more.

Similarly, on February 1, 2023, Vass, announced the acquisition of PSSKinetic, a company specialized in workflow solutions and process automation.

With over 20 years of experience in the process automation market, PSSKinetic's technology, renowned for its ease of use, scalability, and flexibility, will be integrated with Vass's BPM platform, marking a strategic step to expand its offering of workflow and process automation solutions. This synergy will consolidate Vass's position as a leading provider in the sector, offering a more comprehensive range of solutions.

PSSKinetic's strong presence in the European market will provide Vass with the opportunity to significantly expand its presence in this region, bolstering its geographical positioning. Additionally, the acquisition will contribute to strengthening Vass's client portfolio by enabling it to meet the needs of a new customer base seeking specialized workflow and process automation solutions.

2024 Report - Information Technology Sector - interested in the full sectoral report including trends for 2024?

key acquisitions in the information technology sector

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