
Latest engineering company sales in Spain

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Integral service around a transaction
BY : Diego GutiérrezFebruary Mon, 2019

On 31 December 2018 we learned of a pair of operations in corporate finance by the Typsa Group. This prompted us to take a look at where the engineering companies sector stands and what kind of operations have been carried out in recent times.

Latest Sales of Engineering Companies in Spain: A Detailed Analysis

Latest engineering company sales in Spain

Our experts in sale of companies have analysed the following transactions that originally took place between engineering companies in Spain:

1. Intemac

Typsa Groupcompany, a company of consultancy specialising in civil engineering, architecture, industry, energy and the environmenthas bought the Spanish company Intemac. The deal was confirmed at the end of 2018, although neither of the two parties spoke about the amounts involved.

Typsa is active on all continents. International contracts currently account for 90% of the Group's workload. More than 70% of the Group's 2,400 professionals are engineers, architects or other university graduates working together in highly qualified multidisciplinary teams.

Intemac is a Madrid-based company dedicated to the quality control of projects, materials and execution of works, to carrying out pathology and rehabilitation studies of constructions and to technical assistance in construction.

Green Blue Management

The Typsa Group is mentioned again in this operation, as on the same day that it announced the purchase of Intemac, it confirmed the acquisition of Green Blue Management. As in the previous sale, the amounts were not disclosed.

Green Blue, based in Valencia, is a company that specialises in civil engineering consultancy specialising in efficient water management.

3. Gloval

Gloval is a full-service valuation, engineering and real estate consulting firm. The companies that make it up have a solid position in the market; more than 70 years of accumulated experience and a team of more than 1,000 professionals, with a presence throughout the national territory and capable of providing international coverage to its clients.

On 21 December 2018, Prime Yield was sold to Madrid-based Gloval. The amounts of the transaction were not published.

Prime Yield is a Portuguese company that provides services to large private equity firms, financial institutions, insurance companies and clients in the hospitality, automotive, healthcare and logistics industries.

Roberto Rey, CEO of Gloval, had this to say after the deal: "This agreement enables us to integrating a leading provider of advisory services to large international investment firms. It also gives us the opportunity to expand our international presence in Latin America and Africa and to develop Prime Yield's business in Spain and Southern Europe.

4. Airtificial

27 December 2018 Airtificialengineering, planning and consulting firm, completed the process of selling 49.5% of Inypsa Urban Development. The transaction was priced at 3.205 million euros, although the identity of the purchasing party was not disclosed..

Inypsa Urban Development, based in Madrid, is Airtificial's subsidiary specialising in urban development. Following the transaction, Airtificial continues to hold 50.5% of the company.

The new group, formed after the merger of Inypsa and Carbures, will focus its efforts on offering technological solutions in collaborative robotics and sensorised structures, as well as applied engineering in the civil engineering, aeronautics and automotive sectors.

5. Iberware Engineering

Amperthe Spanish telecommunications solutions provider, has signed a definitive agreement to the acquisition of the 60% from Iberwave Engineering. The sale transaction was closed on 12 December 2018. 400,000 euros.

Iberwave is a Madrid-based engineering company specialising in electronic and systems design, with technology close to the IoT concept.

As part of the agreement, Amper reserved the right to a purchase option for an additional 15% by Iberwave Ingeniería, to be executed during the first quarter of 2019.

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IntelFin consists of a cognitive system, which, through the application of advanced analytical technologies, facilitates the automation of investment and financing decisions in the field of non-listed companies and especially SMEs in high-growth sectors.

The information related to these companies is characterized by their lack of transparency and heterogeneity; thus, it is necessary to develop an advanced analysis which is as much predictive as prescriptive and is developed in a natural language custom, suitable to obtain greater clarity and knowledge of the investment scope.

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Which areas of activity/business models will receive the most investment? Which sectors are most attractive to investors?
Which companies are going to experience the most growth in the near future? Which companies are most likely to receive investment or be acquired?
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