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Growth Strategy

Growth Consulting Service

Are you ambitious and want to grow faster? Do you want to get the most value out of your company?
We have done this kind of work with over 1000 companies. You know your business and we know ours. When we combine your industry expertise with BT Global's advisers' experience in growing value and completing corporate transactions in high-growth industries, it will be a combination that, for sure, will lead us to success.

In BTGDA we have joined forces with Improven, specialized in offering SMEs, a consulting concept called resulting. We have a team with more than 60 people, with more than 20 years of experience and we work annually with more than 50 clients in more than 100 projects.
How do we help you grow?
In the plans that we design and commit to execute, we are both ambitious and realistic. We propose feasible lines of action, we are clear on how to implement them and we quantify their impact, with our client having a clear idea of the expected return on their investment.

We do not focus on the short term; we always think about the impact on the value of the company before a future sale. Our experience allows us to quickly detect problems, prioritize them according to their impact on the P&L and on an investor's perception of value. As a consequence of Improven's results-focused consulting expertise and BTGDA's experience in M&A and high-growth market analysis, we have developed a proprietary methodology to accelerate our clients' growth. With your help we will analyze the 50 measures of our model of value creation organized in 3 main areas: customers, people and product. We will compare your company with other similar companies and with the best practices supported by Intelfin our data based market analysis software.

As a result, a plan will be presented with the lines of action to be implemented and decisions to be taken. With a precise quantification of the monetary objective to be reached with each measure of change. It will include a work plan to be validated by the Management and the scope of responsibilities to be assumed by BTGDA / Improven in the execution.
For the implementation of the lines of action, the involvement of people is essential. People only implement what they understand, believe and participate in, what is in tune with the measurement systems, when they are trained and when the leaders believe in change.

In order to effectively implement the changes, our team is integrated into the day-to-day work, coordinating the changes and carrying out mentoring, training and empowerment of the teams to modify habits so that the results last beyond our stay in the company.
Data Analytics for M&A
Our Intelfin tool allows you to integrate different sources of information related to the potential companies to be acquired such as their financial data, commercial growth, their business models, etc.

With all this information we have developed predictive and prescriptive analyses that allow us to provide recommendations to identify the companies with the greatest growth potential and most profitable for the investor.
Market Research
Our clients have access to valuable analysis and information about the companies in the target market (market intelligence) as a result of our experience as one of the most active firms in the analysis of high growth segments.

Each year we analyse more than 50 different sectors and share our findings with the main players in each one. This allows us to establish a wide networking with thousands of high growth companies.
Training & Methodology
Our predictive and recommendation capabilities applied to M&A, our experience in high-growth sectors, and excellence in the M&A process, help drive the best decisions for our clients and accelerate results.

If you would like to find out how we can help you sell your business, either in the short or long term, please consult one of our dealmakers in confidence.

Discover How to ...

Market Research Technology
Our team of market analysis specialists is continuously analyzing the investments of the most active markets in the industry in order to unceasingly contribute ideas of the current market situation and identify the most relevant trends for senior management. We integrate the most relevant sources of information which allows us to discover the most interesting companies for venture capital and similarly helps us to identify the investors with the highest probability of involvement in an M&A process to ensure the success of our sell-side operations.

The reports and deductions of our advisors provide a broad view of the sector, both geographically and from the complementary or adjacent markets perspective.
Technology Data Analytics
for M&A
Advanced data anlytics is a weapon". Intelfin is an artificial intelligence tool we use for investing and creating value in SMEs through competitive analytics and the enterprise environment.

IntelFin consists of a cognitive system, which, through the application of advanced analytical technologies, facilitates the automation of investment and financing decisions in the field of non-listed companies and especially SMEs in high-growth sectors.

The information related to these companies is characterized by their lack of transparency and heterogeneity; thus, it is necessary to develop an advanced analysis which is as much predictive as prescriptive and is developed in a natural language custom, suitable to obtain greater clarity and knowledge of the investment scope.

The IntelFin system focuses especially on analyzing the variables that define and influence the competitive environment of a sector and the positioning of a company, analyzing their influence on future value creation. Therefore, IntelFin supports strategic decision-making to senior management by resolving questions such as:

¿What are my competitors' priorities, strategies and expansion plans? Who's my competition? Which competitor is most likely to grow at a higher rate?
Which areas of activity/business models will receive the most investment? Which sectors are most attractive to investors?
Which companies are going to experience the most growth in the near future? Which companies are most likely to receive investment or be acquired?
Training Methodology
We have developed training programs in an innovative set-up which guarantees our teams the acquisition of technical competences both in the field of corporate finance and in the field of psychology, that is much needed when it comes to negotiation processes.

We have a culture of continuous improvement of our processes, closely related to the use of information systems that allow the enhancement of internal communication between our teams, as well as external communication with our customers. Hence, we extend best practices identified internally in an efficient and rapid manner among our members.

Are you one of those who prefer to be well informed when making decisions?
