
Igenomix's reproductive genetics in the hands of EQT fund

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Integral service around a transaction
BY : Diego GutiérrezApril Thu, 2019

Igenomix has agreed to sell the company to the Swedish fund EQT Partners. Its high level of expertise in reproductive genetics, thanks to its collaboration with researchers, universities and high-tech companies, has led to this transaction, which is expected to close in May.

Good Start Genetics or Genetaq are part of our study of sale of companies globally.

Igenomix agrees sale to EQT Partners


Igenomixwith headquarters in Paterna (Valencia), is a company dedicated to offering advanced reproductive genetics services. They use the most advanced techniques thanks to collaboration with researchers, universities and high-tech companies. They also have extensive clinical experience through a network of Reproduction Institutes.

The Valencian provides its services genetic reproductive diagnostics at approximately 90,000 couples per year and has a global network of 15 laboratories in 13 countries. Its two main central laboratories are located in Valencia and Miami.

On 28 March 2019 EQT VIII, an investment vehicle of the Swedish private equity firm EQT Partners, agreed to purchase from Igenomix to Charme Capital. Also included in the operation are its management team and other minority shareholders, such as Amadeus Capital Partners or Aleph Capital Partners. The closing of the operation expected to close in May of this year, for an amount currently unknown.

Vesa Koskinen, Partner at EQT Partners and investment advisor to EQT VIII, commented: "We are impressed by Igenomix's track record and the results the management team has achieved. Igenomix is a world leader in IVF genetic diagnostic services (a high-growth segment) and is focused on quality, innovation leadership and customer service".

You can access more information about the operation in this EQT entry.

Selling companies internationally

The following are some of the operations of sale of companies that have been confirmed in the field of genetic testing (and in some more specific cases reproductive genetics).

We also recently carried out a study on the most outstanding exits in the biotechnology sector, with a special mention to the round received by DNActive.

1. Good Start Genetics

Founded in 2008, Good Start Genetics is a molecular genetic information company. focused on transforming the standard of care in reproductive medicine. It provides clinicians and their patients, in turn, with clinically relevant and actionable information related to inherited genetic disorders.

On 31 July 2017, the company was sold to Invitaedirect competition within the sector. The operation was valued at EUR 24.3 million.The deal was a joint venture with the purchase of CombiMatrix for 33 million.

2. Ambry Genetics

Ambry Genetics is a California-based private health care company with a suite of industry-leading genetic testing solutions, which benefits the 90% of all patients in the US. Ambry is dedicated to scientific collaboration and is based on the belief that human health should not be patented or proprietary.

Interestingly, the company was sold to Konica Minoltawhich is dedicated to creating inspirational products and services in the field of imaging. The transaction was confirmed on 7 July 2017 for an undisclosed amount.


Genetaq is a laboratory specialised in human molecular genetics for the diagnosis of genetic diseases, with its main focus on the study of rare diseases. Backed by the 50K award from the San Telmo International Institute, the firm started operating in 1998 to offer genetic analysis for diagnostic purposes to medical professionals. Thanks to this extensive experience in genetics, they have achieved a global vision which is fundamental when it comes to incorporating the various scientific and technological advances in its portfolio of services.


The Valencian Imegen (Institute of Genomic Medicine) was the protagonist of the purchase of the company on 7 September 2018. We are talking about a company biomedical company specialising in genetic analysis products and services and was founded in 2009.

4. Linkage Biosciences

Linkage Biosciences is a molecular diagnostics company that develops products for the in order to improve and accelerate complex genetic testing. Its initial focus is on diagnostic products for organ transplants and haematopoietic stem cells, where it fully implements its patented technology.

On 12 July 2017, we learned of the sale of the company to Thermo Fisher Scientifica world leader in the service of science. And it was not the only one, as the US-based has so far confirmed 54 more operations from purchase of companies.

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