
Izertis, the technology consultancy firm, continues to grow and buys the Basque Desinor and the Catalan Alsys.

Integral service around a transaction
BY : Diego GutiérrezJuly Tue, 2016
Izertis is a technology consultancy and ICT solutions company with high added value that operates in various sectors such as telco, tourism, engineering and distribution, which has managed to grow and expand geographically in these years of crisis thanks to a policy of acquisitions. Now it has just bought the Basque Desinor and the Catalan Alsys.


Izertis buys Desinor and Alsys

Izertis wants to continue to grow and consolidate its position as one of the leading technology consultancies in our country, which is why at the end of June it announced the purchase of two new companies: Desinor and Alsys.

Desinor, based in Bilbao, specialises in the provision of Professional Outsourcing and Recruitment Services for IT personnel.

Alsys is a specialist in data centre solutions such as application and infrastructure virtualisation and back-up systems. It has more than 14 years of experience in the sector and offices in Barcelona and Tarragona.

As stated by Pablo Martin, president of Izertis, the objective of this acquisition is to exploit the synergies between the three companies to offer more advanced and efficient solutions, which will benefit the development of the entire group.

Acquisitions made by Izertis

Last year Izertis opened its subsidiary in Mexico to have a base of operations from which to serve the Mexican market and the southern United States and provide personalised attention to its customers. To strengthen its subsidiary and increase its customer base, Izertis bought Cleven, which had a workforce of around 80 professionals and a turnover of $6M.

In the domestic market, Izertis has been pursuing a policy of expansion since 2012, when it bought the Basque company Easo informática, in order to grow in the Basque Country, where it already had facilities. In the same year, it also bought a significant percentage in Vitesa Mobile Solutions, company offering telephony services, which is also located in Gijón.

In 2013, it bought a majority stake in the Cantabrian company VíaCore IT and in the online marketing company Ozire Digital.

In 2014 it acquired the production unit of Drama Ingenieria, taking over its assets and goodwill.

How has Izertis managed to grow in times of crisis?

Izertis has managed to grow in times of crisis. Among its secrets are its focus on its target audience, diversification and acquisition policy.

  • Towards the Midmarket: Traditionally, their client was the SME, but they realised that this type of company did not demand a high volume of value-added services, so they moved into the midmarket, in companies with 500 to 1,000 employees with a turnover of between €100 and €300. In addition, they have also focused on the Administration, making us a benchmark player.


  • Diversification policy: Being diversified became a strength for Izertis in times of crisis. Not all sectors were affected by the recession in the same way.


  • Acquisition policy: Organic growth is good, but in times of crisis it is always difficult. On the contrary, the price of companies becomes cheaper and there are opportunities to make small but very strategic acquisitions, always with great financial prudence in order to maintain a very low level of debt.

If you are looking for financing or want to buy or sell a company, contact us. Abra-Invest has an experienced team that will help you to make your transaction a success. Call +34 946424142 or fill in the contact form.

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