
The 3 most relevant acquisitions in Industrial Automation

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Integral service around a transaction
BY : SAMUEL REGATOJune Tue, 2021

As in other sectors with a technological component, such as the cloud computing sector, there are also large companies that [...] acquisitions in Industrial Automation, a sector which, as described in the Investment Analysis by Baker TillyThe company's activity is based on the use of control systems and technology through robots and computers to carry out industrial processes more efficiently.

Example of industrial automation in the automotive industry.

A very clear example of industrial automation can be found in the automotive industry. In this sector, a large number of processes have been automated thanks to the development of new technologies such as the assembly robots. This innovation also makes it possible to dispense with the need for workers in potentially dangerous tasks. These positive factors, among many others, make the automation industry a sector with a high potential for growth. great projection in the near future.

In terms of purchase and sale activity, there are a total of 478 acquisitions of companies belonging to the industrial automation sector. In addition, almost 500 operations have been carried out with the acquiring company belonging to the aforementioned sector.

In this article, we will focus on three of the major acquisitions in Industrial Automation.

Columbus McKinnon acquires Dorner Holding Corporation for US$485 million

The company Columbus McKinnon based in Buffalo, USA, announced on 1 March the purchase of the US-based company Dorner Holding Corporation 485 million, with the deal expected to close in the first quarter of 2022.

Smart Lifting & Motion Control Solutions | Columbus McKinnon

Columbus McKinnon is a leader in motion control and lifting technology. With more than 145 years of experience, this company is present in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America and North America. Dorner is a company specialising in industrial conveyors and packaging for industrial chains.

55 years old and even stronger! - Dorner Conveyors

This acquisition becomes Columbus' 15th company purchase, creating a growth catalyst for Columbus and providing the diversification it needs in many end-markets through expanded product offerings. In addition, this transaction assists Dorner in its geographic expansion, thanks to Columbus' strong global presence. This transaction marks a shift towards the smart move and serves as a platform to expand capabilities in advanced, high-tech automation solutions.

Boeing buys aerospace part of KLX for US$ 3.2 billion

This operation, which took place in May 2018, is particularly noteworthy for its large amount. Boeing is the world's leading aerospace company and manufacturer of commercial aircraft, space, defence and security systems. It supports allied airlines in more than 150 countries.

Boeing makes one of the largest acquisitions in Industrial Automation: 3.2 billion dollars

For its part, KLX AerospaceThe KLX Energy Services Group, following its divestiture and separation from the KLX Energy Services Group, provides its customers with mission-critical products and complex logistics solutions in the aerospace sector. It merged with Aviall, a Boeing-owned aircraft parts distributor, to achieve a seamless operation.

Download Logo - Klx Aerospace Logo - Full Size PNG Image - PNGkit

This business merger will provide a unique advantage that will be reflected in the supply chain, bringing together two leaders with complementary distribution, solution and product capabilities. The acquisition was completed in cash.

Williams Scotsman International to acquire Mobile mini in July 2020

The third of the most important acquisitions in Industrial Automation is the one made by the US company WillScotbased in Baltimore, is the leading provider of temporary workspaces. It is dedicated to providing workspaces so that clients have spaces that are comfortable and specified to their criteria. As they say, "one call gets your building configured, tidy, delivered, installed and open for staff to be productive immediately".

Mobile Mini Merger - WillScot

On the other hand, Mobile mini is a leader in portable warehouses, achieving automation in the storage processes for its customers because, as with WillScot, with one call you have a warehouse where and how you want it.

The deal was completed in July for $6.6 billion. This amount consolidated William Scotsman as the undisputed leader in its sector, with the largest fleet of offices and the highest quality portable warehouses. In addition, both companies have focused on process automation, resulting in greater customer convenience and a better service and product experience.

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