
Software AG buys Zementis, specialising in deep learning software

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Integral service around a transaction
BY : Diego GutiérrezJanuary Tue, 2017
Zementis is specialised in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, which makes it possible to reinforce the technological proposal of the German Software AG for the IOT. Software AG had already incorporated Zementis' ADAPA (Adaptive Decision and Predictive Analytics) into its Digital Business Platform to offer real-time analysis and greater visibility of business data to organisations.
About Software AG, shopping for different technologies for customers

Software AG is a German company that has been listed on the stock exchange since 2002. Its big data, integration and business process solutions enable customers to achieve operational efficiency, modernise their systems and optimise their processes to make smarter decisions and deliver better service.

Software AG ha realizado  15 adquisiciones desde el 2007 para entrar en nuevos mercados y poder dar nuevas soluciones a sus clientes. Así ha comprado empresas de análisis visual como JackBe, proveedor de servicios PaaS como Longjump.

In 2016, in addition to Zementis, it also bought CONNX Solutions to gain technology for SQL integration and replication to enhance its Adabas platform.

The purchase of Zementis is part of its aim to take a step forward in the artificial intelligence segment and to strengthen its interests in IoTThe trend is having a major impact on the industry.

En el ámbito del IOT AG ha realizado otras acciones el pasado año 2016, en Octubre presento un kit de soluciones Iot  de  código abierto y ese mismo mes anuncia una alianza estratégica con Bosch para promover la innovación y desarrollar nuevos servicios y soluciones conjuntas para el Internet de las Cosas (IoT) y la Industry 4.0.

About Zementis

 Zementis is a California-based company founded in 2014. It specialises in deep learning and predictive analytics software. A key capability in Machine Learning, Data Science and a fundamental technological element for the development of Artificial Intelligence.

Companies in the market for Deep Learning for IoT

Software AG buys Zementis, specialising in deep learning software

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The information related to these companies is characterized by their lack of transparency and heterogeneity; thus, it is necessary to develop an advanced analysis which is as much predictive as prescriptive and is developed in a natural language custom, suitable to obtain greater clarity and knowledge of the investment scope.

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