
Operations Biotechnology February 2015

Integral service around a transaction
BY : Diego GutiérrezMarch Tue, 2015
February 2015 has been an active month for the Biotech sector. Spanish venture capital has carried out large deals in both Spanish and foreign companies. In addition, there have also been mergers and acquisitions in the sector.


Cloud- Europe - investment analysis - up to 2014 corrected

Risk capital operations

Ysios capital leads a $8.7M investment in Prexton Therapeuticsa Swiss company that is developing a treatment for the motor complications associated with Parkinson's disease. In addition to Ysios, Sunstone Capital has also led the round.

"The participation in Prexton Therauphethics is the first investment of its Ysios Biofund II fund, which in March made its second investment by entering into a new equity investment in Prexton Therauphethics. Aura BiosciencesThe company is developing an innovative therapy for the treatment of ocular melanoma," says Diego Gutiérrez of Abra-Invest.

Iden Biotechfounded in 2005 by the Carbohydrate Metabolism research group of the Institute of Agrobiotechnology of Navarra, has received a €4M round in which the following have taken part Sodena  and CRB inverbio. Iden Biotech identifies plant genes of agronomic value for crop improvement and develops products of biological origin to improve crop quality.

The aim of the round is to expand its research equipment and facilities in Navarra, as well as to advance several of its breeding and agrobiological development programmes.

Mergers and Acquisitions in biotechnology

NMC Health buy the Eugin Clinic in Barcelona, the leading in vitro fertilisation centre in Spain, to
for €143M. The sellers, in addition to ProA Capital, include some of Eugin's founders and management.

Vita 34, Europe's first private cord blood bank, has acquired the Spanish company Secuvita.

"Vita 34 had already bought the majority stake in Secuvita 4 years ago and now with the full acquisition of the company, Vita 34 implements its commercial strategy in Secuvita," says Diego Gutiérrez.

In March, Vita 34 continued to be active in acquisitions, acquiring the assets of Vivocell, Austria's largest private stem cell bank.

Soria Naturalthe leading company in the manufacture and sale of natural products, phytotherapy and organic food, has completed the purchase of the Madrid laboratory Homeolab. This acquisition, which began in August 2014, will allow them to expand their product catalogue to become a benchmark in the homeopathy market in Spain.


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