
International relations are necessary in the entrepreneurial ecosystem

Integral service around a transaction
BY : Diego GutiérrezNovember Wed, 2015
In the globalised world in which we live, an international vocation should be a common denominator and a natural process for startups. Having international investments or good international relationships can be very valuable. More and more events are being held, such as Finanziaconnet, which brings together the entrepreneurial ecosystem in London and Spain, and is planning to hold an investment forum in which 10 Spanish startups will have the opportunity to present themselves in London in front of international investors.


Profile of Spanish companies going international according to the study carried out by Ticketbit

Spanish startups that have internationalised operate on average in 14 countries; 82% of these companies began the expansion process one to two years after their creation.

The sectors of activity that are most easily thriving abroad are e-commerce (21%) and Telecommunications and New Technologies (21%), followed by Tourism (16%), Leisure and Entertainment (11%), Transport (11%), Ticketing (5%), Training (5%), IoT - Internet of Things - (5%) and Search Engines (5%), the report reveals.

In terms of investors, only 39% of the companies analysed have foreign capital, while 60% are supported only by Spanish capital.

If we consider the destinations of Spanish companies, Latam stands out as the favourite destination for Spanish startups to continue growing. Asia is now in second place as the continent of opportunity and Europe is in third place, followed by the USA and Africa.

The average entrepreneur is on average 32.12 years old at the time of launching the business. The Basque Country stands out as the Autonomous Community of origin of 26% of entrepreneurs, followed by Madrid and Catalonia (both with 21%) and Andalusia (11%).

Spanish companies that have succeeded in internationalisation

With more than 5 M registered users, the success of Jobandtalent is undeniable. The Spanish job search platform has won over audiences in different countries, in a market plagued by job search platforms. The startup has been so successful that, in May this year, the capital raised through investors reached US$ 40 million.

The company is currently present in Mexico and the UK, and intends to expand into the US in 2016.

 Yesterday we learned that Barcelona-based startup Glovocreated in 2015, has closed a €2m round of funding from international investors such as Zaryn Dentzel of Tuenti, Bernardo Hernández of Idealista, Flickr, ex-Google and Fever, Félix Ruiz with Jobandtalent and Tuenti, Antai Ventures and Cube Investments.

"In September Glovo, which only operated in Barcelona, made the leap to Madrid, and has now announced a €2M round to grow in the European market," says Diego Gutierrez of Glovo. Abra-invest.

Glovo, whose business model is based on a parcel delivery service by local people.

If you are looking for financing, please contact us. Abra-Invest has a team of experts in alternative financing at your disposal. Call + 34 946424142 or fill in the contact form. 


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