
Investment in Geographic Data Management Software. LRAD buys Genasys.

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Integral service around a transaction
BY : Diego GutiérrezFebruary Thu, 2018

We present the most important rounds in recent years of companies specialising in the development of geographic data management software. We also analyse the acquisition of the Spanish company Genasys by the American company LRAD.

We present the most important rounds in recent years of companies specialising in the development of geographic data management software. We also analyse the acquisition of the Spanish company Genasys by the American company LRAD.

About Genasys

Genasys Holding a Spanish software provider that develops advanced location-based mass messaging solutions for emergency warning systems and personnel management.

Headquartered in Madrid, the company has an expert team of software developers and a strong international sales, service and support force. Today, Genasys has two main product offerings:

  • Neon: sending M-commerce messages to attract and retain customers.
  • News: a solution to send SMS-based alerts on public safety risks to affected populations with industry-leading speed.
  • Haz: a low-cost, easy-to-use solution for remote employee monitoring, task planning and incident management in the workplace.

Genasys, owned by venture capital firms Adara Ventures and Caixa Capital Risc, achieved a turnover of €1.9M in 2017.


About LRAD Corporation

Using advanced speech intelligibility technology, Long Range Acoustic Devices' Long Range Acoustic Devices from LRAD Corporation and its One Voice mass notification systems are designed to enable users to send distress messages, warn and inform; prevent misunderstandings; determine intentions; establish large safety zones; and resolve uncertain situations.

LRAD systems are in service in more than 70 countries around the world in a variety of applications, including mass notification; fixed and mobile defence deployments; homeland, border, critical infrastructure, maritime, oil and gas, and port security; public safety; asset protection; and wildlife control and preservation.


LRAD Corporation acquires Genasys Holding

LRAD Corporation, a leading global provider of acoustic distress devices and advanced mass notification systems, today announced the acquisition of Genasys Holding, a Spanish software provider that develops advanced location-based mass messaging solutions for emergency warning and workforce management systems.

The total amount of the transaction is €3.1M, which includes a purchase price of €1.9M and the assumption of €1.2M of debt.

"The acquisition of Genasys enables LRAD to significantly enhance its mass notification capabilities and pursue broader geolocation-based mass messaging services and projects," said Richard S. Danforth, CEO of LRAD Corporation. "Many of the mass notification opportunities we are targeting, including universities, cities and countries, require an integrated location-based mass messaging service. With this acquisition, LRAD expects to generate revenue on initial installations and recurring revenue from long-term support contracts to upgrade and maintain the messaging service over the life of the installations."


Investment in Geographic Data Management Software


Valuation Multiples 2016
Enterprise Value (EV)612,731
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