
H2020 - SME instrument

Integral service around a transaction
BY : Diego GutiérrezMarch Thu, 2014

public fundingIn Horizon 2020 there is a dedicated SME instrument targeting all types of innovative SMEs showing a strong ambition to develop, grow and internationalise. This instrument will apply to all types of innovation, including non-technological and service innovations.


What innovation phases does the SME Instrument cover?

The three phases that make up SME Innovation will cover the entire innovation cycle:
Phase 1: Concept and assessment of feasibility
SMEs will receive funding to study the scientific or technical feasibility and commercial potential of a new idea (proof of concept) in order to develop an innovative project. A positive outcome of this assessment will allow funding under the following phases.
Phase 2: R&D, demonstration and commercial replication
Research and development will be supported with a focus on demonstration activities (testing, prototyping, scale-up studies, design, pilot innovative processes, products and services, performance verification, etc.) and commercial replication.
Phase 3: Commercialisation
This phase will not provide direct funding in addition to support activities, but aims to facilitate access to private capital and innovation enabling environments. Linkages with access to risk finance are envisaged.

SMEs will also benefit from support measures such as networks, training, advice and counselling. This part can also be linked to measures to promote pre-commercial procurement and procurement of innovative solutions.

Each phase will be open to all SMEs and the transition from one phase to another will be immediate, provided that the need for additional funding has been demonstrated through success in the previous phase.

How does innovation in SMEs differ from collaborative projects?

- SMEs will be the only companies eligible to apply, although they will be able to submit projects together with other entities of any kind, which will be subcontracted.
- It does not have a defined minimum consortium. The SME is free to choose the consortium best suited to its needs, and may even go it alone, but it must be borne in mind that European added value is a key selection criterion.
- It is expected to operate with several cut-off dates per year for both phase 1 and phase 2, although in 2014 it is expected to first close phase 1 (in June) and then phase 2 (November).
- SMEs that have received funding in phases 1 and/or 2 will have priority access to the financial instruments available under the "Access to risk finance" programme.
- All SMEs participating in the SME instrument will benefit from an associated coaching scheme. 

If you think your company could benefit from this programme, please contact us and we will analyse your case without obligation.

ABRA INVEST has a team specialised in public funding with a lot of experience

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