
Esprinet grows in Spain by acquiring ITwAy España and Vinzeo

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Integral service around a transaction
BY : Diego GutiérrezNovember Wed, 2016
Esprinet is the leading wholesaler of technology products in Southern Europe. The group, which is listed on the Italian stock exchange, had a turnover of €2.7M in 2015. In 2016 it acquired two Spanish companies, making it the leading company in the Italian and Spanish markets and the fourth largest in Europe.


On Esprinet's strategy

Esprinet is a powerful player in southern Europe. Well managed, well capitalised and innovative. In Spain it was already achieving good results through its subsidiary Esprinet Ibérica. However, it realises the need for scale in this sector of ICT distribution. As it is difficult to grow geographically in a truly global way and compete with giants such as Arrow or Ingram, its only option is to do it locally and become the leader by far in the south of Spain.

"In addition, Esprinet's moves have not left the other competitors in the market indifferent, and we have already seen that they are starting to make purchases. One of them, Tech Data, has bought Technology Solutions for $2600M. This purchase will allow Tech Data, which has a strong presence in Europe, to enter the Asian market and reinforce its offering in the security and data centre markets," says Diego Gutierrez, corporate finance expert at Abra-Invest.

Esprinet buys Vinzeo in May

Already in May Italian Esprinet bought for €74.1M Vinzeo Technologies a Corporación IBV. Corporación IBV has been in the hands of Iberdrola and BBVA for some 25 years and since 2012 has been divesting its assets, which had ceased to be strategic for two companies whose business environments, energy and finance, were facing disruptive future changes.

The acquisition of Vinzeo, which was the 4th largest tics wholesaler in Spain, allowed it to achieve "leadership" in the Spanish distribution market. In addition, a distribution contract from Hewlett-Packard Enterprises strengthened its portfolio in the smartphone division.

Vinzeo was born in 2000 as a result of the merger of several Spanish wholesalers of telephone and mobile phone accessories and increased its scale of activities with a business development and mergers and acquisitionsThe company has a portfolio of 20,000 products.

Esprinet buys ItWay in Italy, Spain, Portugal for €10.8M

 With this operation, Esprinet complements the offering of the V-Valley division, the value business unit which already has revenues of €480M and some 220 dedicated professionals.

Itway is an Italian wholesaler with subsidiaries in Spain, Portugal, Greece, Turkey and Dubai and a product portfolio with a strong focus on the security, networking and virtualisation software business. Its main strength is in Italy where it has a strong attachment among system integrators and value-added resellers specialised in this market.
If you are seeking funding or you want to buy or selling a company, get in touch with us. Abra-Invest has an experienced team that will help you to make your transaction a success. Call +34 946424142 or fill in the contact form.

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