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Integral service around a transaction
BY : Diego GutiérrezJuly Fri, 2019

Devicare, part of the healthcare sector, has developed an innovative solution for the treatment of kidney stones. We analyse its recent €1.6m round as well as other relevant corporate transactions in the sector.

 DEVICARE health sector


Devicare is a Spanish company specialising in urological therapeutic solutions. It currently has a staff of 25 people, a scientific and clinical advisory board and strategic alliances with leading organisations.

It has recently developed a solution for the non-surgical treatment of renal lithiasis or kidney stones, called Lit-Control, with commercial agreements in 30 countries with different pharmaceutical companies. This medical solution consists of three nutraceuticals to modulate the pH of the patient's urine and inhibit the growth of different types of crystals, and a medical device to monitor the urinary pH.

It has recently closed the largest round from crowdfunding health care in Spain of more than 1,6M€ through Capital Cell to accelerate its growth, primarily the entry into new markets and finalise the development of a app for Lit-Control.

Other relevant operations in the sector include:


This biotech company has innovated in recombinant molecule production technologies. In particular, it has invented and patented a robotic production platform that does not require complex and costly bioreactors. In this way, Algenex has succeeded in simplifying the process, improving productivity and reducing the costs associated with setting up a biologics factory by up to 95%.

With the latest round of 4M€ The new company has closed and the appointment of top professionals will seek to expand its product and achieve a wider reach through its commercial roll-out.


It is a company specialising in the repositioning of drugs to treat rare diseases of the nervous system. It currently has a theoretical company value of more than 200 million euros, guaranteed by independent experts.

Som Biotech has managed to raise 7M€ in a round of funding, which will go towards finalising the project they are working on to test the efficacy and safety of an innovative treatment for the choreic movements associated with Huntington's disease.


Cubiq Foods develops and produces cultured fat from animal cells that are tailored to the needs of industrial customers. It has a unique technology to produce healthy fats with a wealth of applications that address the need to find an affordable alternative to questionable ingredients such as palm oil.

The 12M€ raised in its latest round will be used to continue its expansion by setting up an R&D laboratory, boosting production capacity and opening new production plants.


Sanifit is a biopharmaceutical company focused on treatments for progressive vascular calcification disorders. The company was founded in 2007 as a spin-off from the University of the Balearic Islands.

Caixa Capital Risk has led its latest round of financing closed at 55M€. This funding will help accelerate clinical development of the drug, which could be a cornerstone in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases related to calcification.

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