El BPO es un sector muy atomizado, en el que para poder crecer y competir en el mercado hay que realizar acquisitions. El private equity conoce este hecho y entra en las empresas Bpo para aportarles liquidez, que crezcan mediante acquisitions y luego vender a un valor mayor. Algunos inversores, que entraron pronto en el sector como Talde o 3i ya han desinvertido exitosamente. Otros como Carlyle y Pai Partners acaban de invertir.
Talde and Miura divest BC and win the Ascri award for the best expansion capital transaction
Talde and Miura invested in the BC Group in 2010. This company specialises in mortgage process outsourcing services and the management of registry verifications. In 2015, the private equity firms exited and brought in L-GAM.
Durante los cinco años de permanencia de Talde y Miura, el Grupo BC duplicó sus ventas hasta los €100M y triplicó su EBITDA, hasta €15M.Además realizaron 10 acquisitions y diversificaron el negocio tradicional hipotecario con dos nuevas divisiones de negocio que alcanzaron el 33% de las ventas totales del Grupo. Entre las acquisitions se encuentra la empresa Ciberlatam, líder en su sector en México y Chile, lo que le permitió expandirse por mercados emergentes como Colombia y Perú.
3i divests in Civica
3iCivica, a pan-European private equity firm, sold Civica to OMers Private Equity in 2013 for around £390M, giving it a return on investment of 2.1x the capital invested in the sale. Civica provides specialised software systems and related services.
3i entró en Civica en 2008, y a partir de ese momento, Civica realizó 10 acquisitions en Reino Unido, Australia y Nueva Zelanda.
Empresas de outsourcing españolas que están realizando acquisitions gracias a la reciente entrada de un capital riesgo
We recently told you that Konecta had just bought Allus, a leading Latin American company in the BPO sector.
Konecta has experienced twelve decisive months in its history. This company specializing in business process outsourcing sealed, a year ago, the landing of the private equity fund PAI Partners that took 40% of the shares. The main objective of this move was to get the company to reach €1,000M in sales in four years (which meant, in practice, doubling its size, since its revenues at the time of the transaction were close to €500M).
Digitex, owned by Carlyle group, last year acquired Microcolsa S.A.S., a Colombian company dedicated to document digitalisation. With this acquisition, the company expands its service offering globally.
If you are looking for investors, you want to buy or selling a companyplease contact us. Abra-Invest has a team of experts in each area at your disposal. Call +34 946424142 or fill in the contact form.