
Investment analysis in the Chatbot sector. HelloUmi and Nauta Capital

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Integral service around a transaction
BY : Diego GutiérrezJuly Wed, 2018

From a corporate finance point of view, we analyse the investments made in the chatbot sector. In this case we will analyse the investment made in HelloUmi by venture capital funds led by Nauta Capital.

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From a corporate finance point of view, we analyse the investments made in the EduTech sector. In this case we will analyse the investment made in Hello Umi by venture capital funds led by Nauta Capital.

Chatbot industry analysis

Through our knowledge in the field of technology companies and our experience in the corporate financewe conducted this analysis of the chatbot industry. With messaging apps on the rise, chatbots are now a milestone. Chatbots are artificial intelligence systems that interact with users through messages, text or voice.

Despite the complexity of the artificial intelligence used to select the content and context of conversations with users, there are a number of platforms and frameworks available to build a sophisticated chatbot. The ease and accessibility of creating a customisable bot coupled with the increased use of messaging apps only demonstrates the growth and strength that will drive the chatbot industry.

According to a recent report by Grand View Research, the global chatbot market is expected to reach $1.23MM by 2025, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 24.3%. The projections show growth during the forecast period, as chatbots reduce operational costs for businesses.

Business chatbots will continue to improve in the coming years. Chatbot architecture and design will evolve to the point where interactive AI will become standard for customer service.


Analysis of the investment in HelloUmi-Landbot

Jiaqi Pan's company has closed a €1.85M financing round led by Nauta Capital, with the participation of other funds such as Bankinter or Encomenda Smart Capital. With the new round of financing, its intention is to improving the user experience for the end consumer, as well as rebuilding its chat management system.. Another goal is to add new product lines to cover the full spectrum of the customer journey.

The investment will also allow HelloUmi and Landbot to invest further in their brand. In doing so, they will seek to differentiate from competing solutions. So far, the way of promotion is based solely on word of mouth. However, after this new round they will enter new channels for promotion.

HelloUmi is part of Landbotbased in Valencia, is a company that allows the conversion of traditional websites into automatic conversations. This allows the user to enter a website and not have to browse, but can establish a chat with a bot to achieve their end, allowing companies to offer a frictionless experience.

Landbot already has more than 900 customers in over 50 countries, including Uber, LG and Alcatel. With the intention of growing its product and attracting talent, the technology company has also decided to relocate its headquarters to Barcelona.

Nauta Capital is an investor in early stage technology companies. Of the total import of this fund, 50% belongs to institutional investors, and the other 50% to family offices. Nauta already manages a total of 325 million, consolidating its position as one of the leading managers of Venture Capital in Europe. With offices in London, Barcelona and Boston, Nauta is one of the few asset managers with true pan-European capability, as well as a presence in the United States.


Other investments in the Chatbot sector

Investment analysis in the Chatbot sector. HelloUmi and Nauta Capital

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