
Analysis of fashion tech investment. Vente - Privee acquires Qashops

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Integral service around a transaction
BY : Diego GutiérrezMay Tue, 2018

The retailer-friendly company was acquired on 15 May 2018 by the prestigious French company Vente - Privee, which is dedicated to online private sales.

Qashop and its global reach

Qashops is a Spanish company founded on 1 September 2014 and directed by Juan Macías. It is a company specialising in the design of omnichannel strategies, whose aim is to help small businesses to sell more by incorporating their products in all sales channels, in order to reach the maximum number of customers possible. The products can be implemented in internationally recognised companies such as: Amazon, Rakuten, eBay... which would allow companies to offer their products worldwide.


Analysis of the operation

September 2015 saw the closing of a round through which Qashops raised €1 million thanks to the agreement signed with Axon Partners Group and Bankinter Capital Riesgo. With the recent transaction between the Sevillian company and the French company, Axon decided to divest its stake in Qashops.

As previously mentioned, on 15 May 2018 Vente - Privee opted for the acquisition of Quashops, a company whose task is to implement the products of small companies in all possible distribution channels, i.e. the area to which it wants to dedicate itself, as it is a method of working with the smallest possible stock and with which it reaches more customers.

Vente - Privee is a French company founded in 2001 by Jacques-Antoine Granjon, which in recent years has opted for liquidating brand stocks quickly and without negative side effects on brand image. To this end, in April 2016, it bought Privalia, a Spanish company with extensive activity in Spain and Italy, the transaction was closed for 444.1 million euros.

With these financial and strategic moves, Vente - Privee will be able to meet its needs by selling its stock online. In the same way, Qashops, in addition to belonging to a stable and liquid company, will continue to develop its business with both small businesses and Vente - Privee, which would make it a world-renowned company.

Other fashion tech companies


Description Country Amount Date
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FIGS FIGS is a medical clothing shop. USA $65M 23/01/2018
GOAT GOAT is a shop that sells trainers.


$60M 08/02/2018
Lulus Lulus is a women's fashion shop. USA $120M


Harry's Harry's is a shop whose products are for men's facial care. USA $112M 15/02/2018
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