
Nuclio, the venture builder founded by Carlos Blanco, is born.

Integral service around a transaction
BY : Diego GutiérrezFebruary Tue, 2016
Carlos Blanco starts a new stage, puts an end to Grupo Itnet and founds Nuclio Venture Builder, a company builder of digital and disruptive businesses from which he will promote all his projects from now on.

What is a Venture Builder?

A Ventura Builder is a type of incubator, in which a business model that could be successful is identified and from there people are sought who can carry out the project.

It is practically a turnkey project: they give you the business idea, propose partners to complement your skills and accompany you, at least during the first stages of the start-up, working together on the value proposition, introducing you to experts and helping you to raise the first rounds of funding. In return, they keep part of the capital, which can range from 15% to 80%, depending on the incubator.

Following the example of Rocket Internet

Although this incubator model is not very widespread in Spain, in other countries such as Germany it is proving very successful. Proof of this is Rocket Internet which recently went public, raising €1.6 billion in Germany's largest public offering since 2007.

German entrepreneurs have created an empire by copying in Europe and emerging countries the model of American companies such as eBay, Zappos, Airbnb, Groupon and Amazon. In total, the firms incubated by Rocket, which started in 2007 in Berlin, operate in a hundred countries, have a turnover of 757 million and employ 20,000 people.

Among the venture builders in Spain we find Antai Venture Builder which have already shaped highly successful startups such as Wallapop, founded in 2013, has received 3 rounds of funding and in November 2015 bought New York-based Sell IT.

How does Nuclio work?

After identifying and analysing the most successful business ideas from around the world, Nuclio will gather the necessary profiles to create the entrepreneurial team and found the startup with them.

They will also hold twice a year: the Nuclio Weekend, an event in which a group of entrepreneurs - previously pre-selected by the Venture Builder recruitment team - will have three days to get to know each other and form working teams. These teams, which must have a leader, will have the opportunity to co-found new projects based on Nuclio's ideas.

If an entrepreneur has a disruptive idea outside the Venture Builder, he or she can present it to Nuclio. In that case, the company builder's analysts will assess whether or not to include the project and back the entrepreneur.

Nuclio wants to position itself directly as a benchmark in the creation of startups in Spain, which is why Carlos Blanco's ambitious Venture Builder intends to open in Madrid and Valencia in 2017. In Barcelona, it will have its headquarters in the epicentre of technological entrepreneurship in Barcelona: the offices being promoted by Barcelona Tech City in Palau de Mar, sharing the space with more than 50 startups.

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