List of startups presented at the Wayra Madrid DemoDay 2013
Diego Gutiérrez
List of startups presented at the Wayra Madrid DemoDay 2013

Today, Wednesday 17 April in Madrid, the startups that have been mentored and invested in by Wayra, Telefónica's incubator, will be presented.

According to the information provided by Wayra, the companies to be presented are:


Bucmi is the answer to a question: If you buy flights, hotels, clothes, coffee capsules, make reservations for restaurants and many more things online, why not book an appointment with the beauty salon? Bucmi is a shared scheduling between professionals and clients that allow you to check the availability of the professionals you are most interested in, receive promotions and make appointments without having to pick up the phone and make a phone call. The online service allows you to book appointments at your convenience, and not have to make sure to call during business hours. Bucmi currently has 20 top end fashion hairdressers among its 60 salons in Madrid and has a launch promotion of a 40% discount on all services. Bucmi will continue to add new sites to the platform as well as other discounts.


Hay más de 1,3 millones de teléfonos inteligentes en el mundo y más de 200 millones de personas están acostumbrados a compartir sus fotos con estos dispositivos, de hecho más de 10 millones de fotos se comparten todos los días. Esos son nuestros clientes potenciales porque ….. Graffter es la evolución más fresca de la toma de fotografías con el teléfono inteligente. Nunca han sido capaces de utilizar las paredes de la ciudad real de poder proyectar sus imágenes Usuarios. Con Graffter ahora es posible.
It is as easy as physically choosing the wall (stadium, restaurant, monument, etc.) the user wants to use, the application will visually identify the wall you are in front of, and will show you photographs that other users have left so you can comment on them or leave your own images. The ease of use of this application would allow it to be used as a new virtual space for advertising.
With Graffter you will never see the city in the same way.


Hiveplay brings the jukebox to the smartphone. Hiveplay allows its users to vote for the next song to be played at their favourite venues. We offer music to venues, interaction with TV and social media. In addition, we offer a CRM for venues, allowing them to know their customers better, and with this data they can elaborate more appropriate customer segmentation.


Invoost is a game where players compete in stock trading tournaments with virtual money for the chance to win real money! We combine fantasy sports with stock market gambling in a real money game. We are currently hosting the largest college stock trading championship in the United States.


A los padres de hoy en día la sociedad tiene cada vez menos tiempo para poder pensar en actividades para sus hijos, o se sienten frustrados con la falta de ideas, sino que desee encontrar el mejor momento a poder disfrutar con sus hijos. es claro, sencillo y completo motor de búsqueda para los padres ocupados que buscan actividades divertidas para disfrutar del mejor tiempo de calidad con los niños. Las mejores ideas para hacer interiores, exteriores y en línea filtrados por edad, geo-referencia, clima, precios … para todas las ciudades de España. Los padres pueden seleccionar sus actividades o los filtros favoritas, buscar lo que otros padres están haciendo, comparar, compartir o encontrar las mejores ofertas del día.


In Origo you are your opinions and that is your fingerprint, opinions about the things you are surrounded by, your experiences and your thoughts. Those are the reasons for the way you are (your background). Everyone has an opinion about everyday things, sharing them can help to show the way you see the world, it is possible to get to know interesting people and get to know different points of view. A world without opinions is like a world without people.
Origo will provide brands with a dashboard and a private API, all data that will allow them to measure in real time and analyse how the brand is perceived as well as to see how competing brands are perceived. With this useful tool, brands will have direct communication about how a campaign is doing, whether it is affecting users in the way they want it to as well as review what competitive brands competitors may have an advantage.


PanamNav is the ultimate solution for authenticating space and time anywhere in the world.
De ser capaz de autenticar su posición geográfica en las redes sociales o de compras y pagar con el teléfono, para asegurar las transacciones bancarias o archivos de intercambio de datos y comercio de valores autenticados para garantizar las comunicaciones móviles, el suministro de energía o hacer el tráfico más fluido … PanamNav estará a su lado para proporcionar la confianza y la seguridad en las relaciones humanas. La economía del siglo XXI necesita confianza, y esa confianza es servido por PanamNav.


Zuzeen is the platform made by the artist to deliver his live content through a customised channel that will also be embedded on his Facebook page, website or mobile app. All this will allow the artist to connect with fans and media throughout in an interactive way.

Diego Gutiérrez Zarza

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