

Integral service around a transaction
BY : Diego GutiérrezSeptember Wed, 2019

For several years now, it is easy to see how Food & Beverage has been gaining momentum, as reflected in the remarkable growth of corporate finance in this sector.

The countless business opportunities, the change in the consumption habits of millennials seeking sustainability, and the continuous emergence of new trends in numerous habits, are just some of the factors that are driving this boom.

The world's largest companies are well aware of the current situation and are not missing the opportunity to invest in this market. Thus, this business relevance of the Food & Beverage is present in an increasing number of operations.

Below, we are going to show the TOP5 of the most important acquisitions in the last 5 years, data resulting from a study carried out by the team from Baker Tilly in the food industry.


Coca Cola Company acquires Costa Coffee

The value of this acquisition is valued at $5.054M. With her, Coca Cola is looking to make the leap into the world of coffee, which is currently growing at around 6% per year.

Costa Coffee was founded in London in 1971, in 1995 it was bought by the company WhitBreadand operates in more than 30 countries in Europe, China, Asia and Africa.

Bacardi acquires Patrón Spirits

Barcadi Limiteda family business founded in 1862 and owner of the rum brand and hundreds of other alcoholic beverages, has acquired the well-known tequila company by $5.100MThe operation makes it the second largest liquor company in the United States.

Patron Spirits International has more than 30 years of experience, and is known for its premium tequilaPatrón Spirits, based in Las Vegas, Nevada, was founded in 1989 by John Paul DeJoria, co-founder of John Paul Mitchell Systems.

Flavors & Fragrances acquires Frutarom

The US conglomerate International Flavors & Fragranceshas bought the Israeli manufacturer of natural flavours and ingredients Frutarom by $7.100MThis positions it as the world market leader, alongside its great rival, Givaudan.

Frutarom is a global fine flavours and ingredients company ranked among the world's ten leading companies in the field of flavours and fragrances. It markets over 31,000 products to more than 15,500 customers in 145 countries, with 41 R&D laboratories worldwide and 34 production sites in Europe, North America, Israel and Asia.

Among its major clients are renowned companies such as Unilever, Nestlé and Coca Cola.

Amazon acquires Whole Foods

This agreement, concluded in $13.700MThe e-commerce giant is catapulting into the supermarket business, with hundreds of physical shops in the US.

With the entry of Amazon In the sector, this market becomes more competitive, as the company is known for its tendency to cut costs.

Whole Foods is the mecca of organic and natural food supermarkets in the United States.. If you want to fill your trolley with organic-labelled products, this is your paradise: most of the products are organic and contain no trans fats, artificial flavours, colours or preservatives.

Tesco acquires Booker Group

The supermarket chain TESCO is the Britain's largest retailerhas acquired Booker Group, the largest food retailer in the countryThe aim is to improve its growth prospects.

Following the announcement of the agreement, concluded in $5.019MTESCO shares rose over 10%, while Booker shares soared over 15%, which shows that there is a big rise in the shares.

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Advanced data anlytics is a weapon". Intelfin is an artificial intelligence tool we use for investing and creating value in SMEs through competitive analytics and the enterprise environment.

IntelFin consists of a cognitive system, which, through the application of advanced analytical technologies, facilitates the automation of investment and financing decisions in the field of non-listed companies and especially SMEs in high-growth sectors.

The information related to these companies is characterized by their lack of transparency and heterogeneity; thus, it is necessary to develop an advanced analysis which is as much predictive as prescriptive and is developed in a natural language custom, suitable to obtain greater clarity and knowledge of the investment scope.

The IntelFin system focuses especially on analyzing the variables that define and influence the competitive environment of a sector and the positioning of a company, analyzing their influence on future value creation. Therefore, IntelFin supports strategic decision-making to senior management by resolving questions such as:

¿What are my competitors' priorities, strategies and expansion plans? Who's my competition? Which competitor is most likely to grow at a higher rate?
Which areas of activity/business models will receive the most investment? Which sectors are most attractive to investors?
Which companies are going to experience the most growth in the near future? Which companies are most likely to receive investment or be acquired?
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