
Business Intelligence Software investment analysis. Fusion acquires BSM Iberia.

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Integral service around a transaction
BY : Diego GutiérrezApril Tue, 2018

Find out the main facts about the latest investment rounds in Business Intelligence Software in Europe. In addition, we analyse the acquisition of BSM Iberia by Fusion Business Solutions.

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About Fusion

Founded in 1998, Fusion Business Solutions is a company specialising in the development of IT and CRM solutions for customer service management.

Fusion, based in Hounslow (UK), provides end-to-end solutions for companies based on business outcomes and designed to improve the key performance indicators that are relevant to the business.

The company has successfully developed more than 3,500 projects for customers all over the world. Fusion is also a global partner of BMC Softwarea customer service management platform that provides cloud-based IT management solutions for businesses.


About BSM Iberia

Business Service Management Iberia (BSM Iberia)is a Spanish company with extensive experience in business management software.

Founded in 2005, BSM Iberia is a BMC Software partner with extensive experience in performance and capacity management, helping companies to establish a process that includes:

  • Monitoring the performance of the company's services and elements of its infrastructure.
  • Efficient use of available resources.
  • Knowing customers' current needs and predicting their future behaviour.
  • Influencing the demand for resources.
  • To provide a quality of service in accordance with the desired objectives.

The Capacity Management process offered by BSM Iberia allows a balance to be established between costs and capacities, and between supply and demand, in order to meet service quality objectives in the most profitable way with minimum risk.


Fusion Business Solutions acquires BSM Iberia

Fusion Global Business Solutions, a global partner of BMC Software, has announced the acquisition of BSM Iberia.

As a BMC Software partner in Spain, BSM Iberia has extensive experience in performance and capacity management. This acquisition brings together the vast experience of two BMC Software experts and advances Fusion's global expansion plans.

As part of the deal, Javier Muñoz, one of the founders of BSM Iberia, will become Managing Director of Fusion in Spain and lead its expansion in Southern Europe.

According to Mark Lyttle, President of Fusion, "This acquisition provides Fusion with another operational base within the EU and allows us to expand our core BMC offering across Europe.

BSM Iberia's expertise in capacity management enables us to better serve our customers in the UK and the US," said John Mohan, CEO of Fusion. We are delighted to have BSM Iberia's expertise in these areas to help us meet the needs of the market and further expand our cloud-based expense management business.

Javier Muñoz comments: "I am delighted to join the Fusion team. With such a strong reputation, I am sure we have found a great home for our people.

Latest rounds in Europe in Business Intelligence Software

DFLabsDFLabs is a recognised world leader in security automation and orchestration technology. Its flagship product, IncMan, has been adopted by Fortune 500 and Global 2000 organisations worldwide.Italy$5,5M2016
BluelivBlueliv provides cyber threat information and analysis intelligence for enterprises, service providers and security vendors.Spain€4M2018
VMRayVMRay provides automated agentless analysis and detection of monitored cyber threats. Germany$3,9M2018
PanaseerPanaseer measures cyber security automatically, providing an accurate, risk-based understanding of an organisation's assets, controls, vulnerabilities and threats.United Kingdom$3,25M2017
CounterCraftCounterCraft is a specialised counterintelligence company that automatically identifies and actively responds to real-time attacks from cybercriminals, lone hackers, ex-employees, governments and others.Spain€2M2018

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