
Accenture acquires French identity management company Arismore 5

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Integral service around a transaction
BY : Diego GutiérrezMarch Thu, 2017
The acquisition of Arismore strengthens Accenture's identity management capabilities. Accenture has also made other acquisitions in cybersecurity in 2017.
Accenture buys arismore
About Arismore

Arismore is a French company founded in 2002 and specialised in the provision of security services, including identity and access management (IAM), as well as enterprise architecture and change management services. Arismore, which is based in Saint-Cloud and has offices in Villeneuve d'Ascq and La Ciotat, has a team of around 270 security and enterprise architecture staff.

On the acquisition by Accenture

The purchase of Arismore, for which terms were not disclosed, strengthens Accenture's capabilities in the identity management space, while increasing its global position in the cyber security consulting ecosystem.

For Arismore, on the other hand, it is an opportunity to get a boost to grow his business.

Last year Accenture already bought a cyber security company: Point Security, one of the largest cyber security companies in the US, serving both commercial clients and the Federal Government. It also hired CIA expert Ira Hunt.

This year 2017 among the 6 acquisitions Accenture has made, there is also another cybersecurity company: iDefenseThe company provides details of cyberthreats and security issues.

Other identity management transactions closed in 2017

Swedish listed company Fingerprint Cards AB has bought the Swedish stock exchange Fingerprint Cards AB. Delta ID by $106M. This company offers revolutionary biometric products and applications for identity enrolment and authentication.

Fingerprint Cards, develops, produces and markets biometric components that verify a person's identity through fingerprint analysis and matching. The company sells its products through distributors and direct sales primarily to product developers / system integrators and original equipment manufacturers.

Fingerprint Cards, already bought the software company AnaCatum in 2014.

Other company, WISeKey, which was founded by a Spaniard in Switzerland, has taken over the 85% from QuoVadis.. QuoVadis Trust / Link provides digital certificate management services for businesses and governments. QuoVadis identity services include Public Key Infrastructure (PKI); Digital Certificates for authentication, encryption and digital signature; SSL Certificates and Extended Validation SSL for websites;
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