We analyse the financial profile of the French IT consultancy GFI Informatique, based on our Corporate Finance Analysis of its latest financial and investment data. Find out about its main financial variables (turnover, growth, ebitda, profitability, etc.) and their evolution over the last few years.
M&A advisors with expertise in the technology sector
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Analysis of global Venture Capital in 2017
The European technology sector is going through a sweet moment, according to 2017 figures in terms of activity and investment volume, with figures that exceed the record levels of the previous year. Check out all these figures and our analysis of the sector's situation.
The state of the European technology industry in 2017
The European technology sector is going through a sweet moment, according to 2017 figures in terms of activity and investment volume, with figures that exceed the record levels of the previous year. Check out all these figures and our analysis of the sector's situation.