
Robot, a pioneer in building automation and home automation, debuts on the MAB with a 35% rise

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Integral service around a transaction
BY : Diego GutiérrezMarch Thu, 2018

We analyse the IPO of Robot, a pioneering company in building automation and home automation at the service of energy saving and comfort in buildings. Find out the main data of this debut and our Corporate Finance Analysis of the Balearic company.

We analyse the IPO of Robot, a pioneering company in building automation and home automation at the service of energy saving and comfort in buildings. Find out the main data of this debut and our Corporate Finance Analysis of the Balearic company.

About Robot

Founded in 1993, Robot is a company based in Palma de Mallorca, a pioneer in building automation and domotics at the service of energy saving and comfort in buildings. The Balearic company specialises in the design and manufacture of intelligent systems for the control of technical installations in hotels, office buildings, hospitals, sports complexes and industrial facilities.

Its products are designed to maximise the performance of installations and can be integrated into existing systems to increase their performance. The company's goal is to offer technologically advanced products of high versatility, extraordinary quality and ease of use, which achieve great savings for its customers and at the same time contribute to protecting the environment.

Robot has participated in more than 600 projects, installing its automatic control systems in hotels, public buildings, hospitals, shopping centres and educational centres, among others.


Robot Corporate Finance Analysis


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Robot debuts on the MAB with a rise of 35%

The technology company Robot has debuted on the Mercado Alternativo Bursátil (MAB) with an increase of 41% compared to its starting price of €4.15 per share, which means valuing the company at more than €16.5M. The group's shares marked their debut on the MAB with an initial price of €5.6. This is the second company to debut this year on the MAB, which now has a total of 90 companies.

For Bernat Bonnín, chairman of Robot, going public is a "strategic milestone" that supports the company's projection. "Becoming a public company supports the reliability of our business model and management team. It also allows us to diversify our funding sources and gives us greater transparency with investors and the industry," he says.

Robot's objective with this IPO is to reinforce its capacity for organic growth, as the operation will facilitate access to capital markets and new financing channels to tackle its development strategy from a solid position. In the short to medium term, the group faces a growth process and aims to consolidate its internationalisation strategy, focused on America, South Africa and the Middle East.

Some additional information on this new addition to the MAB:

  • Price of placement:  4,15€
  • No. of shares: 2.850.483
  • Initial capitalisation: 11.829.504€
  • Capital increase: 1.993.363€ (May 2017)
  • Nominal value of the share: 0,2404€
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