
Investment analysis in the Telecontrol sector. Danfoss acquires a division of Ikusi

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Integral service around a transaction
BY : Diego GutiérrezSeptember Tue, 2018

From a corporate finance point of view, we analyse the investments made in the Telecontrol sector. In this case we will analyse the investment made in Ikusi Telecontrol by Danfoss.

From a corporate finance point of view, we analyse the investments made in the Telecontrol sector. In this case we will analyse the investment made in Ikusi Telecontrol by Danfoss.

Analysis of the Telecontrol sector

In consumer electronics, remote control or telecontrol systems are the component of an electronic device from heavy machinery to a DVD player, which is used to operate the device wirelessly from a distance. Increasing demand for industrial automation coupled with the requirement for industrial mobility and asset excellence in the process industry is expected to drive the remote monitoring and control market in the near future.

This sector is part of the already well-known IoT sector that is revolutionising the industrial sector through hyper-connectivity between machinery, automating production and reducing both costs and manufacturing time.

Nearly $ 6 billion will be spent on IoT projects by 2020. Investment in Spain in the Internet of Things (IoT) will reach almost €23 billion by 2020, which is 70% more than the €13.5 billion in 2017.

Ikusi investment analysis

Danfossthe Danish engineering projects company, has acquired the telecontrol business of the Spanish company Ikusi. The amount of the transaction has not been disclosed. Specifically, this business unit is dedicated to the manufacture of electronic systems based on radio links for remote control of industrial machinery, construction, agricultural and other applications. Following the transaction, Danfoss will create a centre of excellence in remote control in Donostia.

The acquisition is part of Danfoss' "significant" expansion plan and investment in innovation, the Danish group said, as the strategic goal is to leverage its connectivity solutions as a competitive advantage.


The unit of Ikusi is part of the Telecontrol area and incorporates equipment with advanced technology responsible for the wireless control of equipment used mainly in the industrial, construction and agricultural sectors.

Its system allows the control of different types of equipment used in these sectors, such as industrial cranes, construction, agricultural and forestry vehicles, lifting systems and those used in docks to load ships, among others.


Danfoss is a Danish family-owned engineering and advanced technology company. Its solutions are used in areas such as refrigeration, air conditioning, heating, motor control and mobile machinery. Its innovative engineering dates back to 1933 and today Danfoss has leading market positions, employing 27,000 professionals and serving customers in more than 100 countries.


 Other investments in the Telecontrol sector


CompanyDescription Country Total investmentDate
WeworkWeWork is a platform that enables building transformation in dynamic environments to enhance creativity, focus and collaboration.United States$
LianjiaLianjia offers both online and offline real estate agency services. China$1.500.000.00005/09/2018
OpendoorOpendoor is an online home selling service that aims to reduce the selling period to just a few days.United States$325.000.00013/06/ 2018
Carr PropertiesCarr Properties is a private real estate investment trust focused on creating value for its shareholders through ownership.United States$300.000.0001/08/2018
PurpleBricksSpaceti is a proptech technology provider accelerating the digitisation of buildings and spaces around the world.United Kingdom$177.000.00026/03/ 2018
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