
We analyse the rounds in the Smart Home

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Integral service around a transaction
BY : Diego GutiérrezJune Fri, 2019

At Baker Tilly analizamos las rondas de financiación llevadas a cabo en el Smart Home.

Homyhub is a start-up that has developed a technology to open garage doors from a mobile app. While the idea seems simple enough, the company has been able to integrate features that have proved attractive to major automotive market leaders such as Porsche.

Rondas en Smart Home


When Porsche opened a Start-Up accelerator in 2017, shortlisted this company because of its ability to integrate with other services, including access control platforms, and because it had a deal with Email to start a pilot project for garage deliveries at that time.

The technology of the "Smart Homes"has been developing at a very high level. Within the sector's distinctive capabilities, this firm has focused on service integration and sensor-based automation.

Smart home Homyhub

The company's offer lies in overcoming the barriers to opening the garage and making it easier by means of automation through sensors that detect the proximity of the mobile phone, allowing it to be opened without even having to take out the mobile phone.

In addition, the application allows the opening permission to be transferred to other devices, allowing the "open" to be used by other devices.garage sharing"and the control of those who have accessed it.

Gracias a esta idea innovadora la empresa ha sido capaz de recaudar otras 150.000 pounds in May to improve the system and reach thousands of homes in Spain with this disruptive technology.

Dentro del sector del Internet of Things podemos destacar las siguientes rondas de financiación:


Wirepas is a company that offers a unique multi-hop network solution in the Internet of Things market, helping to connect any asset to the internet by enabling connectivity and flexibility.

In mid-May it managed to raise a capital increase “Serie B” por valor de 14,4M€ to increase the efficiency of connectivity and be able to scale the business.


Orvibo is a Chinese company focused on creating smart home hardware. Its product line includes micro smart product lines for individual consumption and villas based on ZigBee wireless technologies, enabling cloud platforms for greater control.

Smart home Orvibo

Esta empresa ha sido capez de captar $19,1M para permitir su desarrollo en el territorio chino antes de dar el salto a otros mercados.

Flo Technologies

Flo Technologies is a company whose mission is to preventing water losses in the homeThe company has developed a water and leakage monitoring system for the smart home to prevent water damage and unnecessary water waste in the home.

En 2018, gracias al software desarrollado, se pudieron ahorrar más de diez millones de litros de agua solo en California. Debido al crecimiento de la empresa, a principios de enero fue capaz de llevar a cabo una ampliación de capital “Series B” por valor de $28M buscando una escalabilidad de la solución a nivel nacional para conseguir rentabilizarla.

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The information related to these companies is characterized by their lack of transparency and heterogeneity; thus, it is necessary to develop an advanced analysis which is as much predictive as prescriptive and is developed in a natural language custom, suitable to obtain greater clarity and knowledge of the investment scope.

The IntelFin system focuses especially on analyzing the variables that define and influence the competitive environment of a sector and the positioning of a company, analyzing their influence on future value creation. Therefore, IntelFin supports strategic decision-making to senior management by resolving questions such as:

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